Five Minutes With

MUSIC FEATURE: Five Minutes With…X Ambassadors

Photo Credit: Tyler Jay Hanson

X Ambassadors are back with their highly anticipated album Townie, the follow-up to 2021’s The Beautiful Liar. We recently caught up with the band, to discuss first musical memories, influences, ambitions and more.

Can you remember the first time you realised you wanted to make music?

I was at my best friend’s house. He had just gotten an electric guitar, a Squire with a little amp that came with it. He had just learned how to play Californication on guitar, and we sat in the bedroom. It was our favourite band. I love that song, and he sat there and played it while I sang along. At that moment, I realised, “Oh, this is what I’m gonna do with the rest of my life.”

Who and what are the band’s main influences?

It changes every record; I feel like with every record, we’re all listening to different things. For this record, I was listening to a lot of Americana stuff, a lot of Patty Griffin, and a lot of Sturgill Simpson. I was really into the Dijon Record, and I was listening to a lot of instrumental music just to put me in the mindset of storytelling. When I’m writing prose, I can’t listen to lyrics because I’m dealing with so many words, but I do listen to a lot of instrumental music when I write prose.

What do you aim to achieve as a band?

I want to change the conversation around my band. We aren’t just your cousin’s favourite alternative rock band that gets played on the radio; we are much more than that. I really hope that this record changes the conversation around us, and I know I’m very biased, but I think we’re the best in the world, and I hope other people come around to that.

For those who are yet to see you live, what can they expect from a X Ambassadors show?

You can expect lots of storytelling and vibrant entertainment. While our new record leans towards introspection, tranquility, and a slower pace, we’re fundamentally a rock band. There’s a healthy balance of high energy and some pretty dynamic and emotional performances as well.

What’s next for X Ambassadors? 

Right now, we’re just enjoying the present moment of being on tour and supporting this record we just put out because the work doesn’t stop when you release an album.

X Ambassadors‘ new album Townie is out now via Virgin Music, available to stream or purchase HERE.

Tags : X Ambassadors
A 30-something year old journalist and freelance PR often found at a gig, a festival or holding a dictophone to a band and asking them all kinds of questions. I'm a sucker for whiskey and vinyl.