Century Media Records

Music Reviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Black Crown Initiate – Violent Portraits Of Doomed Escape

The saying goes “all good things comes to those who wait”, and that particular expression has never seemed more appropriate than when it comes to Black Crown Initiate. There have been plenty of issues that have befallen the band over their brief history, including number of line-up changes where they are still searching for a permanent drummer even now - but with the leap to a new permanent home with Century Media Records, the band look hungrier and better backed than ever. Now with Black Crown Initiate in their strongest position to date and the extreme metal world eagerly watching and waiting, the big question is… has the wait been worth it?


When it comes to modern metal bands, there aren’t too many frontmen who can overtake AVATAR’s Johannes Eckerström, both in terms of energy and stage presence, as well as vocal range. With the launch of their new album, 'Hunter Gatherer', quickly approaching, we caught up with the Swedish singer to talk about their new material, how it sounds compared to their previous work, and about other things, including Disney, Ennio Morricone, and Swedish indie pop.
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